I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed by the positive response to Lady Killer. It's starting to feel a little ludicrous how long the list of reviews is becoming. I've never experienced such a stupendous amount of buzz around a title...and I've had some pretty good buzz. Not complaining, mind you. This is a good problem to have.

If you liked the first issue, now is a good time to let your comics retailer know. Lady Killer #2 is on its way to the printer, and I believe the print run will be set soon. Make sure you tell them you want them to order all the issues for you. Final Order Cut-Off for the second one is this coming Monday, January 12.

And if you want a sneak peek of #2, Broken Frontier has an exclusive pair of pages in their new interview with Joëlle and I.

Also, check out Joëlle on the local news:

My first review post was, basically, all the links that were up before I went to bed on the eve of the comic going on sale. These started the next morning:

Newsarama Best Shots: 7 out of 10

We The Nerdy: 7/10

CC2K: 4/5

Comicosity: 8.5/10

Sort of like how Mad Men took the rich visual glamour of the early 60’s and drenched it in alcoholism, failed relationships, and child neglect, Lady Killer upends the story of the Cleavers with a literal cleaver. It’s always fun to take a lighter look at the darker side, and this book does it with both style and substance.

Broken Frontier, who already gave us a great slot in their advance picks, now gives us a full review.

By the end of this first issue, the team has thrown Josie into a situation that’s a far cry from her comfort zone—and that’s great news for readers. If you prefer your social commentary with an extra-sharp edge, Lady Killer offers plenty to savor.

Panel Patter 

This first issue throws us right into the middle of the mystery of Josie Schuller, housewife and professional killer, showing just enough about her and establishing the conflicts which will presumably serve as the main source of tension throughout the series (i.e., the balance between Josie's hidden life and her more public one, and the potential problem her mother-in-law may be). One issue in and Josie is a compelling, complex character. 

 * Bleeding Cool

The writing is very fluid, sucked me right into the plot and held my attention right until the end. Joelle Jones’ art style has a classic but cryptic feel at some points. At the beginning of the issue, when the main character is posing as an Avon lady, there is a panel that sent chills down my spine. The expression on her face was so detailed, but the look in her eyes made me think…”This woman is capable of some pretty crazy stuff.” 

Throwback Thursday: The first drawing of Josie in her Kitty Kat Club costume.

* The 10 Spot ranks us as one of their 10s of the week.

* Comic Vine also gives us a perfect score: 5 for 5.

There are times you need to simply try a brand new comic. LADY KILLER needs to be that comic. With a strange mix of a 1960s wholesome vibe and a some serious violence, this is a refreshing book that gives you something delightfully different.

* Backwards Compatible

Overall this is a miniseries that feels like it has some teeth, the visuals cast and plot all work well together and the creative team feel like they have a handle on the cadence of the story. If you enjoy undercover assassin stories then this will be for you, as for me I’m already caught in the Lady-killers web.

* Geeked-Out Nation

* Comic Book Resources: * * * *

I've been a huge fan of Jones ever since "12 Reasons Why I Love Her," but I feel like she's upped her game here. The art has the same characteristics of her earlier works -- clean, carefully composed characters -- but there are also some differences; the art in general feels a little more fluid, the inks a little slick. In many ways, it reminds me a lot of Paul Pope, whose art always feels like it's going to slide off of the page, but with a tiny bit more self-control imposed by Jones. Jones also does an amazing job of building a fully-realized world through the art. The clothing choices instantly plunge your mindset into the past, and that's before you add in the backgrounds. Everything from wallpaper to home appliances is deliberately chosen to root this book in a specific time period, and it's all meticulously drawn.

* The Frog Queen

Man I love this artwork. I really do. Joelle Jones is brilliant here with this nod at 1950's magazine advertising. Her previous work includes Helheim, The Adventures of Superman, Doctor Horrible, Creepy Comics, Ultimate Spiderman, and the New York Times to name a few. The ink splattered pages subconsciously projects grit into your mind. The action panels are terrifyingly realistic with confrontational character poses that puts you in both in the perspective of the killer and then also the victim. With sensational colorist Laura Allred in her corner, this series deserves some serious awards.

Mental Floss declares us one of the Most Interesting Comics of the Week

The Fandom Post grades us A+

Finally, thanks to everyone who came out to our party last night. Things from Another World really put on a great event, and so many people dressed up, it was great. Here's a photo of Joëlel and I at the store.

Current Soundtrack: Nicki Minaj, The Pinkprint (Deluxe); Charli XCX, Sucer